RAN Revenues on Track for a Quarter Trillion by 2025, According to Dell’Oro Group


“The global upswing that began in the second half of 2018 has become deeper and stronger, propelling the overall RAN market to continue to surprise on the upside, “ said Stefan Pongratz, Vice President and analyst with the Dell’Oro Group. “Even with the market surprising on the upside, we believe that there is room for expansion over the near term as the early adopters continue to roll out 5G at an extraordinary pace, resulting in a more upbeat 5-year outlook relative to our last forecast,” continued Pongratz.

Enterprise Wireless LAN Market Sees Highest Growth in 8 Years in 1Q21, According to Dell’Oro Group


“For three sequential quarters now sales to the Hospitality and Retail verticals have been steadily rising off the 2Q20 lows,” said Matthias Machowinski, Senior Research Director at Dell’Oro Group. “These two verticals, in particular, are more reflective of private funding rather than verticals such as primary and secondary (K-12) education, which receives significant levels of public funding,” added Machowinski.

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